Fairly Odd Parents Hentai

Fairly Odd Parents Porn Story: Angel tears

Fairly Odd Parents Porn Story: Angel tears

Tuesday. Not unusual in the least. Nothing to clue in this day as being different from any other. Except that in Dimmsdale, the sun usually shone.

Today, the sky swirled with different shades of gray, mixing and joining together in fascinating patterns. In the distance, thin lightning made purple by the clouds flashed as angry thunder roared and raged. Though the surrounding area was dark with gloom, the span of sky that stretched above her head cast gentle drops of rain upon her, bushing her cheeks and softly clinging to her strands of ink black hair.

She took a deep breath of the misty air, smiling as she closed her eyes against the exhilarating cool breeze. She loved this weather. It made everything feel so clean and fresh. It was also a good way to give herself her own time, in her own company.

At the moment, she stood in her back yard, looking up at the sky. Her deep purple eyes found their way to the pretty pink tree house Timmy had given her as a gift on her 12th Birthday. Back when she was still a happy ray of energetic sunshine. It was hard to believe it had been six years.

She hadn’t been in it for years and was unsure how sturdy it was, but temptation was high, and she soon found herself climbing the wooden ladder of her past. Old feelings of distant memories flooded her as her chunky, black boots clanked on each step. Her eyes peered into the doorway, level with the floor. Besides a few spider webs here and there, it looked miraculously untouched, almost as if it were indestructible. Of course, that was impossible. Noting it safe, she resumed her climbing and easily stepped inside. Her head almost touched the top now. She had really grown.


Her breathing ceased. She quickly scanned the perimeter of the small box before exhaling and shaking her head in hopes to clear it. She could have swore she heard him calling her.

Dismissing the delirious thought, her attention was then drawn to the third floor panel from the right. A small smile crept up her face as she pictured herself obsessing over the protection of that dumb thing. She hadn’t even remember it was there until a moment ago.

It only took a few steps from her long legs to reach it. Once there, she knelt down and carefully pried the board up. From the small space underneath, she removed a small, hardback journal. Her hand gently caressed the front before delicately plunging into the side and opening the cover. Scribbles of twelve year old writing filled the pages in purple ink. She skimmed through it quickly; Timmy, Timmy, Timmy every other word was Timmy. Angrily, she snapped it shut.

Wasn’t there any part of her childhood that didn’t include Timmy somehow?

She sighed as the answer flooded her mind; No. Of course there wasn’t. He had been the only light in her life. The only way she was headed in the right direction in the miserable darkness of her life. What did she have? Parents that cared, but were always gone. A sister that made a trip to the dentist sound like a walk in the park, and Timmy.

“Well, not anymore.” She reminded herself out loud.

With a dreary sigh, she leaned against the wall of the tree house and peered out the window. The rain was coming down a bit harder now, though it would still qualify as a heavy mist. In the flash of distant lightning, an image came to her:

She saw herself standing on the sidewalk in the rain. The flowing white dress she wore clung to her damply as shinny drops of rain dripped from the tips of her loose, bemused hair. She was smiling brilliantly as she walked. Suddenly, she turned around, yet continued to walk backwards. Timmy followed shortly behind, smiling back at her as water dripped off his brown bangs across sky blue eyes. She abruptly stopped, waiting until he reached her to place her arms around his neck and lean into him. He encased her waist, pulling her closer to his long, lanky body and planting playful kisses across the crook of her neck. She giggled at the sensations and arched away. He grabbed her hands as she began to pull away, lightly struggling to keep her from breaking free before she managed to escape and began to run away, him following right on her heels

The vision came and went as quickly as the purple flash of lightning, but the sound of them laughing as they ran away echoed through her head long after. She had never been able to wear that dress. No longer then it took to try it on.

She closed her eyes, squeezing twin tears out as she let herself fall back against the wall once more. She covered her face with her hands as the sobbing overtook her. She hadn’t allowed herself to think about him too long at one time. Never long enough to allow the pain of reality to sink in too deep. At first she had, but it was always too hard to come out of the pit of depression, and she feared what she might do to herself.


Her breath caught as her head snapped up. Her royal violet orbs scanned back and forth, up and down. She heard him. She knew she heard him calling for her. It was light and whispery, almost like wind.

“Timmy?” She called quietly.

She was greeted only by the sound of rain and distant thunder. She took in another quivery breath, shaking her head slowly in denial as she felt the tears building up once more.


“Timmy!” She screamed, her voice breaking into a sob. “Where are you!?”

The rain suddenly began to pour with another clap of thunder, as if mimicking her flow of tears. She could barely breath through her anguish. “Timmy” She called again, this time softer, sadder.

“Come to me”

She shook her head once more, disbelief evident in her expression. She had lost it. She was officially a mental case.

“Please come to me”

She slowly stood as her tears stopped. Suddenly, she knew where it was she needed to go. With a burst of emotional energy, she descended the ladder and made her way quickly, yet carefully down the sidewalk. She had a sudden need to get there, and she lead herself unconsciously, almost as if by an invisible force. At last, she arrived at her destination; The Turner house. With a deep breath, she knocked loudly on the door. When no one answered, she carefully tried the handle and discovered it unlocked. She peeked inside before letting herself in and closing the door behind her.

As expected, Mr. and Mrs. Turner either didn’t notice her intrusion, or didn’t care. They hadn’t been the same for two years now. She buried herself in work, and he buried himself in booze. Both were immensely engrossed in their new addictions at the moment.

Tootie’s heart ached at the sight, and she promised herself she would try to find a way to help them over the grief. At the moment, she had a different mission. She headed up the stairs, hesitating when she reached the door to Timmy’s room. Was this really where she needed to go? Suddenly she felt unsure of herself, but in her heart, she knew it was right. The door was stiff, and she had to push it hard to pop it open. It was obvious no one had been in it for some time.

In trance-like mode, she slowly walked in, looking around in awe. She had come to know this room very well. The room previously occupied two years ago by sixteen year old Timmy Turner, her one and only love. For almost a full year, there had been a silent secret between them. Though they never officially “announced” their being a “couple”, it was obvious to everyone that the innocent friendship between the two had become more then a friendship. Little did anyone else know how deep they had taken that relationship.

She jumped when the door shut behind her with a soft tick. Maybe she had been in this room too many times to count, but it had a different feel about it now. It was cold, sad and almost eerie. Before, she had had no problem making herself comfortable in his bed. Now, she sat gingerly at the edge of the mattress, her eyes wandering the confines of the untouched room. She froze when she spotted the framed picture sitting on the side table next to the empty fish bowl. It had been taken the day before the prom they never went to. In it, his arms were wrapped tightly around her from behind, his breathtaking blue eyes dancing with smiles.

With a saddened expression, she carefully grasped the frame and pulled it toward her to get a better look. It wasn’t just smiles that radiated from those eyes, it was also love. She sucked in a painfully sharp breath. She hadn’t seen it then. The love so clearly evident in his expression, in his eyes, in his smile, had somehow gone unnoticed to her back then.

“I’m sorry, Timmy.” She now cried. “I’m so sorry”

They had gotten in a fight later the evening of the photo. News had reached her that he had been sleeping with Trixie Tang. He denied it to no end, insisting he rarely even spoke to her anymore. But she didn’t believe him. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to, she couldn’t. All the years she had chased after him, she quieted down and let go at age thirteen. A year later, it was him chasing her. By then, she never felt like she deserved him. She never felt good enough.

It wasn’t until it was too late she found the “Trixie” story had been a nasty rumor. A false nasty rumor. They hadn’t made up yet when he went. He was gone, and there were so many loose ends, so many regretted words and words unspoken.

She closed her eyes a moment, trying desperately to dull the pain that had welled up inside her. She hugged the picture to her chest as she cried, looking at it once more when she pulled it away. Wiping her teary eyes, she placed the frame back in its spot. She caught her own reflection on the shinny surface of the fish bowl. This was how she usually looked now; Miserable. Her outward appearance had even changed to match the mood. Her overall aura seemed to scream; I’m a social outcast, and I like it that way.”

There had been a ray of light in her life shortly following Timmy’s sudden and unexpected passing, and that was Cosmo and Wanda. They had been allowed to go to her in her time of need, and they all helped each other through the unbearable situation. It had been enough to keep her whole. But she didn’t even have that anymore. They had been taken away from her on her 18th birthday.

She jumped violently when she caught sight of another image behind her. She quickly turned her head, but there was no one there. Heart pounding, she looked back at the fishbowl, only to see the image once more. She looked closer, her eyes widening in surprise at what she saw.

“Timmy?” She asked on a near whisper.

The image moved, and an instant later, she felt a hand settle on her shoulder. She reached up to touch it, but her hand only came in contact with the soft material of her shirt. Her breath caught as the hand slid down her arm, and the sensation of long, sturdy arms wrapping around her shoulders overcame her. She closed her eyes, leaning into the comfort of the familiar embrace; Timmy’s embrace. The warmth that radiated from him began to get a little warmer, his scent became a little stronger. She breathed in deep, missing the smell, missing the feel. The arms pulled away from her, and she wanted to shout in protest, but she was afraid to move, for fear it was all a wonderful dream. The tears came quickly once the warmth was gone, and she was left with nothing but the cold again. Slowly, she stood from the bed. When she turned, she found herself standing directly in front of Timmy.

She gave a start at the unexpected presence. “Timmy!” She shouted in complete shock and bewilderment.

A bright smile crossed his features in answer to his name. She continued to stare, wide-eyed in disbelief. His smile softened, as did his eyes. He didn’t speak, but somehow she sensed what he wanted to say; Don’t be afraid.

He slowly held his hand out to her. Hesitantly, she moved her hand to his and place it in his palm. His long fingers closed around her skin. He felt so real. He watched her lovingly as she stared down at their hands, giving her a moment to absorb the reality of it all. Her violet eyes locked with his blue ones. She hiccupped innocently as a flood of tears descended her eyes. Sensing she was no longer afraid, he pulled her against him, and encased her once again in his arms. She leaned her cheek against his chest, tucking her head beneath his chin. She shook with intense, yet quiet sobs. He soothed her, lightly caressing her back and planting tender kisses on the crown of her head.

They stayed that way for a long time. She eventually opened her eyes when her crying had subsided. She focused blankly on the wall, tears still dripping from her long eyelashes with each blink. “I miss you so much.” She whispered.

A smile curved his lips at her words. He leaned back slightly, and she lifted her head to meet his gaze. He placed his forehead against hers, staring into her eyes a moment before playfully rubbing his nose against hers. He then gleefully kissed her cheek, her chin, her throat. His smile faded when he looked back up at her. She wasn’t happy.

“What are you doing here?” She asked on a whisper. “I must have lost my mind.”

He shook his head sadly, falling onto the edge of the bed. He held his arms out for her, and she gladly fell into them, sinking onto his lap. He stared at her intently, seriously, placing a hand against her chest, right over the beating of her heart. His eyes pleaded with her, and again, she understood him without words.

“Of course it’s broken, Timmy. You’re gone. I don’t know how I’ve survived the past two years without you. And I know you must hate me for not believing in you-“

He placed his finger against her lips, silencing her. His eyes closed, an expression of torment crossing his expression.

“Timmy, I didn’t mean-” She ended her sentence on a gasp as she touched his cheek and found her hand went right through him. She looked down, noting she was no longer on his lap, but had sunk through him onto the bed.

He stood, passing through her and crossing the room to peer out the window into the dark storm.

“You really aren’t back.” She concluded mournfully. “You’re”

He nodded, still facing away from her, and again she knew; This was a special gift, he would only be able to stay a little while.

“I don’t want you to leave me again.” She whispered fearfully. “Let me come with you.”

He turned toward her quickly, vigorously shaking his head in denial to her request.

“Don’t you miss me?” She choked out.

He nodded without hesitation, crossing the room once more to stand in front of her.

She stood, bringing them mere inches from one another. “Then please take me with you! I don’t need to live anymore, There’s nothing for me here!” Bitter tears were streaming down her luminous cheeks again.

He reached out to touch her, only to find he still couldn’t. He closed his eyes, finding his center, concentration with all he had. He reached out, his head bowed low. When his hand came in contact with soft, warm skin, he looked up and allowed his eyes to open.

“Please don’t hate me for what I did.” She pleaded through tears. “I’m sorry I didn’t trust you. I’m sorry I stayed mad at you for so long. I know I said I never wanted to see you again, but I didn’t mean for this to happen. You have to believe me.”

He cast her a wistful smile, placing a hand on his chest, then placing it on hers. She knew then that it was okay. He didn’t blame her. He still loved her.

“I love you, too.” She responded softly.

His saddened eyes closed as he slowly leaned forward and pressed his lips against hers. She welcomed the feel, shivering slightly at the sensation. It wasn’t long before his tongue found refuge in the sweet hollow of her mouth. His tongue danced and glided over hers, seeking fulfillment for the fallen years spent away from his devotee. He released it suddenly, allowing her time to gasp in much needed breaths. She held on to him with all she had, looking up at him with a burning need flickering in her eyes like velvet fire. He answered her silent question with a soft nod, understanding she needed him now, and knowing full well he needed her just the same.

He reached his hands behind her head, sifting his fingers down the length of her silky raven strands, a questioning look in his eyes.

She smiled apologetically. “I don’t wear pigtails anymore.”

He frowned, sticking his lower lip out in a mocked pout.

“I’ll start wearing them again, if you want.”

He smiled brightly at that, gently holding the sides of her face as he leaned down for another kiss. It quickly blossomed into white-hot passion, bursting forth like an exploding volcano of mixed love and lust. His lips left a scorching trail across her jaw as they worked their way up to her ear. Her petite black shirt was unbuttoned and pulled off her shoulders to land in a heap on the floor as he teeth playfully nipped her earlobe.

She easily moved with him as walked toward her, leaving her no choice but to lay back against the bed as he crawled over her. He kept himself raised over her on his elbows as his mouth sought out hers once more. His hand smoothed up her short, school girl skirt, caressing the petal-soft skin of her inner thigh. Her breathing excelled as his tongue danced across her bellybutton, torturously circling before thrusting inside. Once his fingers reached the top of her thigh, he retracted it, replacing both hands on her hips. Slowly they slid up her flat stomach, disappearing beneath her and unclasping the lacy black bra. He pulled it off her shoulders, letting it fall away and not caring where it ended up. He hovered over her, one of his knees tucked tightly between her thighs as his palms covered her newly exposed flesh, rubbing the budding centers in torturously sweet, slow circles.

An ecstatic purr escaped her throat at the intense pleasure his touch evoked. By instinct, her hips rose off the bed, causing her smooth thighs to slid up the length of his.

“Timmy, touch me please.” Her voice was whispery and light as the wind.

He honored her wish with a lingering kiss that rode down her throat to her breasts. His mouth closed over one, letting his tongue flicked over the center as he carefully pinched and rubbed the other. His other hand was silently sneaking its way beneath her skirt once more, this time slipping beneath the elastic band of her panties. His fingers sought, and began their almost unbearable magic when they came in contact with wetness.

Her hands fell to side, grasping handfuls of soft sheets as she bit into her lower lip, trying desperately to muffle the uncontrollable moans of pleasure that bubbled out of her throat The sensations washed over her, one after the other, like title waves in a storm.

He could feel the throbbing beneath his fingertips becoming stronger with each movement he made, and he smiled at the notes of gratification he coaxed out of her, pleased he alone was the cause of her pleasure. His hand moved away when her breath became quick and choppy, sensing she was close to her peak and not wanting her to go over yet. He rolled to his side, propping himself on his elbow to watch her as she came down off her high. His free hand roamed her entire body lightly, waiting as her heavy panting became more controlled.

When her eyes opened, she immediately pulled him down for a kiss that lingered mercilessly. The pristine white shirt he wore was removed before pushing him onto his back. She crawled up his body, stopping long enough to unzip his pants and part the material. She then straddled his lap, pressing herself intensely against the evident bulge. Her hands run up his exposed torso. It was only a matter of moments of withstanding her loving exploration before he suddenly sat up and wrapped his arms around her tiny waist.

Her legs hugged his hips as he stood, and she slid against him all the way until her feet touched the ground. Like magnets, their lips found each other once more, tongues fusing as they rid each other of their remaining clothing. He sat back lightly on the bed, placing his hands on her shapely hips and placing a kiss in the center of the small triangle piece of cotton that covered the most feminine spot on her body. He pulled them off ceremoniously, staring intently in her eyes until they fell to the floor.

She sunk onto the bed with him, and within seconds, he was positioned over her. She was small, warm and wet as he sunk deeply into her. He reversed the movement, leaving her almost completely before plunging deeply once more. Losing herself in the rhythm of his movements, she closed her eyes, squeezing out tears before reopening them again. The deliciously slow thrusts stopped as he looked down into her teary eyes.

“No, don’t stop” She pleaded, wrapping her legs around his hips to allow deeper penetration. She lifted her hips as he ground against her, synchronizing the motion and intensifying the pleasure tenfold.

She could feel herself building up again. It wound tighter and tighter until she fell on the verge of release. Everything blanked out, and all that existed was the boy she loved. For a fraction of a second, she stayed at the top of physical pleasure before it all crashed down, flooding in and around her, causing her to cry out desperately. He collapsed beside her, pulling her close and petting her hair soothingly.

“I miss you, Timmy.” She whispered against his throat, slowly fading into content sleep.

An angel tear slid from his crystal blue eyes at her words. It ran down his cheek slowly and dripped onto her lips. It was only a matter of moments now before he faded away to a place she couldn’t follow, but where he would wait for the day she joined him.

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