Fairly Odd Parents Hentai

Fairly Odd Parents Porn Story: Shaken Chapter 1

Fairly Odd Parents Porn Story: Shaken Chapter 1

Disclaimer: Other than Amalia, I do not own any of the characters used and referred to in this story. That goes for this chapter and all others that follow it.

Author’s Note: This would be my second time trying to get this story on the site. The first try, for some reason, was just plagued with really odd problems. Hopefully, things will go better this time.

I’ve wanted to do a story where Wanda’s mother comes back into her life since pretty much “For Love or Garbage Trucks”, but I was having trouble coming up with a way to make it a Wanda/Cosmo story instead of a Big Daddy story, which probably wouldn’t have gone over all that well. Finally, I figured out how to make it a romance, and give Big Daddy and Blonda their moments in the spotlight.

Chapter One – What Are You Doing Here?

In life, you’re extremely lucky if you have a best friend. Someone you can count on. Someone who you knew would always be there when you need them. And you’re even luckier if you can manage to find love. Not the kind of love between a person and the family dog, or the kind of love a baseball fan feels for their favorite player when they bring the team to the World Series. But the love between two people, so powerful that every time you kiss them, you’re left breathless.

In Amalia’s case, her best friend and her lover were the same person.

She’d known him since they were in elementary school. She quickly grew close to him and his two brothers, to the point where she was basically part of the family. It had taken him about three seconds to realize he loved her, but it’d taken Amalia until their last year in high school to realize she loved him.

They were engaged within one year. Her family paid for a beautiful wedding, they’d taken an incredible honeymoon, and nine months later they had twin daughters.

That was the day Amalia realized things were going horribly wrong.

In life, you’re lucky if you have that magical moment when you know what you want to do with your life. Amalia experienced that, too. For her thirteenth birthday, her parents pulled some strings and got her into the audience for a taping of her favorite TV sitcom. Before the second line was out of the actor’s mouth, she was absolutely certain she was going to be infront of a camera. When? She didn’t know. How? She didn’t have the slightest clue. But she never quite got over that birthday, and as the years went by, she grew more and more determined.

When Amalia started highschool, she began going to every audition she could find in Fairy World, despite the fact that she had no training in acting whatsoever. Sooner than she ever thought possible, casting directors were getting sick of her and her unconvincing line readings. But she did catch the eye of one young woman working at the studio who managed to get her a secretarial job.

Figuring she had more of a shot at getting a role now that she would be seeing very important people nearly every day, Amalia started taking her talent (or lack thereof) more seriously. She’d taken dozens of classes, spent many nights working on pronouncing words more clearly, and eventually, at one audition she’d gone to, she got a group of smiles instead of frowns and the standard, “Don’t call us, we’ll call you.”

Of course, that was around the time her best friend and boyfriend had gotten his start in the garbage business. And around the time he popped the question. Faster than she ever imagined, they were married and expecting twins. Despite the acting ability she’d come to have, she couldn’t land a job. As it would turn out, nobody in Fairy World was looking for a pregnant actress. She even lost her position at the station. How could she possibly work a full week with baby girls she would need to take care of?

Simultaneously, Amalia’s husband’s business was steadily increasing in popularity. And much to her horror, things only got better for his career when their two daughters were born. People loved family men. Actresses with two newborns? Not so much. Nobody wanted that much crying on a set.

Amalia couldn’t help denying it. When her daughters were finally old enough to start school, she figured she could start auditioning again. But whenever there was a free day in her schedule, something seemed to come up at the last minute. For three years, she got angrier and angrier every time one of her daughters was sent home from school with a fever, or when she needed to make an appearance at a business party for her husband. What was worst, though, was the school plays. Every single one reminded her of her thirteenth birthday, and how she never did make it on TV.

Finally, the bitter reality sank in. While her husband was living out every dream he’d ever had, she had to give her’s up for two bratty children who she wasn’t even ready to have in the first place.

That’s when she snapped.

One night, when her husband was out and her daughters were sound asleep in their bedrooms, Amalia went completely berserk; pulling all her clothes out of her closet and drawers, throwing the articles she wanted to keep in a suitcase and dropping the ones she didn’t care for on the floor. She didn’t want to take any jewelry with her, other than what she was wearing that evening. None of it was purchased with money she’d earned herself. None of them were gifts from directors who wanted to congratulate her on one hundred fabulous episodes of Fairy World’s most popular show.

It was when she was knocking it all off her dresser that she noticed the wedding ring on her finger.

Suddenly extremely calm, Amalia walked over to her bed, which was where the suitcase was laying. She snapped the bronze latches shut, breaking off a fake fingernail in the process. She pulled the ring off her finger, gingerly placed it in the center of the bed she’d never bothered to make that morning, picked up the suitcase by the handle, and floated out of the front door as if she was about to take a leisurely stroll around the block.

For the first few years, she’d made out all right. It was a welcome surprise how many drunken men were “willing” to “hand over” their wallets. She’d get quite a sum of money every night. More than she’d charged, even. Ordinarily, she would have called taking that money “stealing”. But now it was survival.

She’d graduated from prostitution to unstable, abusive relationships in about twenty-four months, and at one point she even had an apartment of her own to live in. But she ran out of money quickly, mainly because abusive boyfriends tend to be kinda poor, and ended up living on a street corner, more miserable than she’d ever been.

One morning, just as the sun was coming up, she’d caught sight of a newspaper an elderly fairy near her was using as a blanket. The main headline was nothing important to her, but a brief article in the bottom right hand corner informed readers of the wedding of Big Daddy’s daughter.

Amalia was flooded with memories of her husband, her daughters, and the life she’d given up during a moment of pure insanity.

In life, you’re lucky if you get a second chance at happiness that you’d let pass you by. Amalia didn’t deserve it, she was going to ask anyway.

The businessman groaned. Who cares that his house was only a few yards from his office? He was tired, damnit! But Big Daddy couldn’t shake the feeling that something was going to happen, so he obeyed his stupid head and carried his stupid body over to his stupid house…

…to find Amalia curled in a ball on his front steps.

Big Daddy was too stunned to breathe, let alone float. All he was able to do was hover over his lawn and stared at his former wife. Who technically still was his wife, now that he was thinking about it. She’d never gotten divorce papers. She’d just messed up their bedroom and took off her wedding ring, leaving him confused and heartbroken.

Big Daddy had always imagined seeing her again. In the daydream, she’d always looked as beautiful as he remembered. Amalia’s appearance now, though, was not as pleasant. Her clothes had clearly seen better days. Her crown was scratched and dented in a few places. Her hair was greasy and much longer than he’d ever seen it. Her fingernails were bitten down and dirty. Her face and what he could see of her legs and feet were covered with scars and bruises. She didn’t even have a wand with her to fix it all.

This absolutely thrilled Big Daddy at first. As far as he was concerned, Amalia deserved it for what she’d done to her family. But then he got a close look at her eyes. What he recalled as being the most beautiful thing about his wife’s appearance were now terribly bloodshot and filled with tears.

Out of nowhere, he was overcome with sadness. He studied at the wedding band that was still on his finger, and for the first time since that horrible night, Big Daddy was confronted with what he’d been trying to ignore for way too many years.

He was still hopelessly in love with Amalia.

Suddenly choked up, he manged to ask his wife, “What are you doing here?”

Amalia looked up, startled, as if she hadn’t noticed him staring at her before. Her eyes met his, and she started sobbing. “Please,” she whimpered. “Help me.”

“So,” Amalia said, done with her tales of street walking and abuse (all of which, for reasons he didn’t fully understand, Big Daddy had taken as cheating), “uh… what have you been up to?”

Big Daddy gave her a long, hard stare. “Why did you do it, Amalia?”

Amalia started playing with her fingers in her lap, sighing as if she’d been expecting the question, but didn’t answer. Always persistent, Big Daddy didn’t hesitate to ask again, stare unwavering. “Why did you leave?”

“I was… jealous,” she blurted out. Now upset, her hands and eyes became much more expressive. “Anrgy and frustrated and jealous. You were out living your dreams and making your life worth something, while I was stuck in this stupid house with those stupid little girls–“

“Hey!” Big Daddy barked. “Don’t you dare insult my daughters!”

Amalia gulped. Big Daddy could clearly see that she’d remembered who she was talking to. “I’m sorry,” she mumbled.

Unsure of what he should say in response, Big Daddy angrily whispered, “Good.”

“I just couldn’t take it anymore,” Amalia continued her speech more calmly, but with tears in her voice. “I had to throw away all my ambitions while you got to be successful. It just wasn’t fair.”

“Amalia,” Big Daddy said sternly, “you never went about that acting thing the right way. There was no rhyme or reason to–“

That acting thing?” Amalia interrupted, angry once again. “That was more than just some thing! That was my dream! That was all I ever really wanted in life. And you and your daughters ripped it right out of my hands!”

“In case you’ve forgotten, they’re your daughters, too!”

Amalia sighed. “You’re right.”

“And it really hurt them when you left,” Big Daddy added. He didn’t want to remind himself of the looks on their faces for anything, but he had to. If he didn’t get Amalia to feel bad about running off, the “conversation” would be a complete waste of time. “They had to endure your quiet suffering for eight years. They–well, Wanda, at least–always tried to make things easy for you. And then you pakced your bags and left them. You probably don’t remember this, but they loved you like crazy. The same way any child feels about their mother.”

Amalia scoffed.

“Do not,” Big Daddy jumped up and increased the volume in his voice, slamming his palms down on the table, “for one second, pass that off as nothing! You didn’t deserve their love, Amalia! And you don’t deserve mine, either!”

Where the last sentence had come from, he didn’t know. But he was positive it was a mistake to say it as soon as he saw that hopeful smile spread across Amalia’s face.

“You…” she whispered. “You… still love me?”

When Big Daddy saw tears of happiness gathering in Amalia’s eyes, he completely forgot being mad. He forgot all the pain she’d put him through. All he could remember was that sweet little girl he’d met in his second grade classroom.

“I do, Amalia,” he said.

The tears in the red-haired fairy’s eyes spilled over onto her face. “Do you… Do you think we can give it another shot?”

There wasn’t a single second of hesitation. “Yeah. We can.”

Amalia laughed. Big Daddy laughed. Before they knew what was going on, they were passionately kissing on top of the table.

Neither one of them happened to notice that Blonda had poofed into the room on “still love me”.

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